Ravens PHP Scripts

Avatar Control Panel
Date: Saturday, January 03, 2004 @ 10:32:58 CST
Topic: Code Hacks

This hack was designed with users of the phpBB port in mind, Nuke's default profile manager only lists the avatars present in the gallery folder while many of us use more than one avatar gallery, now you can allow your site members to select avatars from any and all existing galleries or link to a remote avatar and they won't lose their avatar when they make any change in Nuke's default profile manager.

This is a modification of PHP-Nuke's original Your Account module that provides an alternative to the avatar issues present when saving changes in Nuke's profile, your current avatar is displayed along with a list of available avatar galleries. Selecting a new avatar is as easy as browsing through the galleries and clicking on the desired avatar or entering the url of a remote avatar. Uploaded avatars will still have to be entered through the forum's profile, currently if avatar uploading is enabled on your forums the control panel will switch the disabled message to a link to the forum's profile.

Download: For PHP-Nuke 6.5-6.9 ยท For PHP-Nuke 7.0 Preview here, sorry, preview requires site membership.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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