XAMPP Version 1.5.4 Beta2 from www.apachefriends.de - the great Apache SERVERSTACK with mysql/php etc.
this is agreat part of a super toolkit that allows you to dive into PHPNuke...; expand your experience now!
XAMPP Version 1.5.4 Beta2 (von/from www.apachefriends.de) für/for Suse-Linux, the great apacheserverstack for you - great tool ready to use with the documentation on www.karakas-online.de and the tortoiseCVS-client see www. tortoiseCVS.org
also new Block: SWM User Menu Version 1.0 (von/from www.staywithme.ir) für/for phpNUKE Version 7.9.
get it all at www.warp-speed.de
btw: warp-speed.de has got the 69 000 user - superbright future for the 200 000 PHPNuke user on the planet.