Ravens PHP Scripts

Freeware Editor
Date: Friday, August 25, 2006 @ 23:21:01 CDT
Topic: Tool and Utilities

After struggling for a while with several editors and missing functionality I really got frustrated whenever, it came code editing (php, HTML, JS, … ) for my CMS. ...

Now I found a tool which does it all!
Features are:
- syntax highlight for every script and programming language
- projects and logical and physical threes
- code explorer (i.e. shows all includes, functions and variables in a php script)
- search an replace in multiple files and along three
- make your own scripts
- macro editor
- ftp client
- many more

Best of all it is freeware!
Get it here.

Oh, the author of the software, Jan Fiala is Czech, and comes from the famous city Pilzen.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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