Ravens PHP Scripts

The End of Net Anonymity In Brazil
Date: Tuesday, November 07, 2006 @ 01:35:19 CST
Topic: Internet

DieNadel writes in a Slashdot article, "The Brazilian senate is considering a bill that will make it a crime to join a chat, blog, or download from the Internet without fully identifying oneself first. Privacy groups and Internet providers are very concerned, and are trying to lobby against the bill, but it seems they won't have much success."

From the article: "If approved, it will be a crime, punishable with up to 4 years of jail time, to disseminate virus or trojans, unauthorizedly access data banks or networks and send e-mail, join chat, write a blog or download content anonymously."
Hopefully, this will mean fewer script kiddies and/or malicious hacks from 200.*.*.* IP range (yes, there are other countries besides Brazil in 200.*.*.*).

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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