Google sitemaps for PHP-Nuke: improve your coverage in Google index now!
a great thing - the new Google Sitemaps for PHPNuke running in phpnuke celebrate the dual-use things that enrich the community.
Google Sitemaps is an easy way for you to help improve your coverage in the Google index.
It's a collaborative crawling system that enables you to communicate directly with Google to keep us informed of all your web pages, and when you make changes to these pages
see a preview and get the Google Sitemaps addon for PHPNuke free. As usual - leave your feedback and ideas to make the good things even better. learn more about Google-sitemaps: whats the hype about that
you want more? - well we have more - here you get a Google Adsense-HowTo & clicksor advertising-howto for PHPNuke :: good news from
"After the successfull integration of Google-Adsense in PHP-Nuke the proudly presents you a new way to earn some extra with your website! In every article that you publish you can earn money with your keywords.
How does it work? travel over and read Google-Adsense in PHP-Nuke