Ravens PHP Scripts

HAWK Roster Module Beta global release - get the free code today
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2007 @ 13:47:19 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

from time to time we present some hacks that may be useful...: today we show you a great solution: HAWK Roster Module Beta

travel over and read more about the get the Hawk-rooster module [download now]

The author: Yay I finally got the roster module finished enough to release a beta version of it. Here is a link to the module if you want to test it out. travel over to


By the way: If anyone knows a good site to host files please tell since I am currently using my site to host this file and I do not want to waste all of my bandwidth

Admin Note: It appears to get this add on you need to visit www.karakas-online.de

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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