Ravens PHP Scripts

user-management : course management
Date: Thursday, March 22, 2007 @ 00:13:31 CDT
Topic: Add-Ons

Dear user at RavenPhpScripts.com,

From time to time we announce great modules, blocks and hacks. They need your idea-input and your feedback. Please travel over to the following great projects:

- PHPNuke - Course-management system see more here [click]

two modules - Approve membership and last visit: get free code and find experienced developers that support you: visit the following sites.

- Approve membership module for PHPNuke [click] get your free copy.

- jasonlau.biz [click] with last-visit-module :: get your free copy.

Admin: This is NOT free software. It is $49.95.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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