Ravens PHP Scripts

NukeSentinel[tm] 2.5.08 Maintainance worldwide Release [on 5 Continent]
Date: Wednesday, May 09, 2007 @ 10:46:51 CDT
Topic: NukeSentinel (tm)

NukeSentinel(tm) 2.5.08 Maintainance Release worldwide Release [on 5 Continent and more than 256 Countries]

BobMarion did it - on Monday, May 07 2007 @

2.5.08 CHANGES (2007-05-06):
+ Includes IP2Country 2007-05-04 updated imports.
- Not in upgrade package.
+ Updated Country table.
+ Cleaned up some admin GUI. (More is planned)
+ Fixed missing country in two pages.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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