Before we finish it, we'd like to get your comments and suggestions. Please read more for a preview of the screen and add your comments here or at
The main screen will be a "feed map" - a listing of the feeds you have published for your site, like a sitemap for feeds. In the example screens, we have recent news, recent news for nukeSEO, recent forum topics for mSearch, etc. In other words, nukeFEED will allow you to syndicate almost all of your content at multiple levels, not just the module level.
Sample feed maps (click to view):
We're also working on integration with FeedBurner, Grazr, and others, but the primary focus in the first release will be simply making the feeds available in multiple formats.
Here's where we need some feedback:
- Layout - should the icons be horizontal or vertical (see the screenshots above for samples)?
- Should the types of available feeds (formats) be specified for all feeds or for each feed? Or should all available formats always be available? Would you want to exclude certain formats, either by feed or for all feeds? Why?
- Do you like the logo?
- What other features would you like?
Please post your ideas, comments and suggestions here