GREAT NEWS!!! (Not downloadable yet)
I have successfully integrated KISGB into Nuke and Postnuke using IFRAMES. The little bit of bad news is that Netscape 4.x is VERY unpredictable. But, I can't even get Nuke 6.0 to work correctly under NN4.x, but that may be my configuration. Granted, it's not a full integration yet (Nuke themes, etc.) but .....
In any event, I would like those of you who are interested in KISGB, for Nuke, to hammer away at this. I have placed both the current 4.05 version and the upcoming 4.10 version in the Menu links. The Theme Builder is active and that's why you will find some non-distributed themes in the drop down :). I only release a few with the distribution. So, once I get some tests and feedback, this puppy is ready to go!! GIVE ME FEEDBACK!!!!!