Ravens PHP Scripts

PHP-Nuke v8.1
Date: Saturday, August 04, 2007 @ 13:18:20 CDT
Topic: PHP-Nuke

USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!! Untested as of yet. We only recommend Developers and experts touch this version until it is fully tested by the community.

Download PHP-Nuke v8.1

This is the latest release from phpnuke.org. It is untested and should not be used in a production environment until fully tested!

Here is a list of the changes from v8.0.

August 2007: Version 8.1
- Settings administration module has been 100% re-writted and totaly changed and reorganized
- Added feature to let administrators choice if users can change themes or not (Administration -> Settings -> Themes)
- Added feature to select the display of the referers list in abridged or unabridged modes
- Graphic Security Check configuration is now in Administration -> Preferences -> General section (removed from config.php)
- WYSIWYG Editor configuration is now in Administration -> Preferences -> General section (removed from config.php)
- Configuration of $display_errors to show PHP error messages is now in Administration -> Preferences -> General section (removed from config.php)
- Fixed a bug on Topics module that didn't show the right content after click on "more" link and news category link (Thanks to Michael Judah fom http://ComPilots.com)
- Fixed a bug in user edit function when admin try to change user's avatar (Thanks to l4wy3r)
- Added variables filter check in banners administration (Thanks to Omid omid@hackers.ir)
- Added variables filter check in modules administration (Thanks to Omid omid@hackers.ir)
- Added variables filter check in Reviews module (Thanks to Omid omid@hackers.ir)
- Added variables filter check in Web Links module (Thanks to Omid omid@hackers.ir)
- Added AutoThemes module (free GPL edition) from http://www.spidean.com to install and control Auto Themes
- Fixed potential SQL injection in referers system
- Fixed user avatar image information when administrator creates a new user
- Fixed little bugs and reorganized DelQuotes() function in mainfile.php (Thanks to Aurican)
- Added some extra checks in mainfile.php needed by Forums (BBtoNuke) module (Thanks to chatserv from http://nukeresources.com)
- Fixed some minor security issues in mainfile.php (Thanks to chatserv from http://nukeresources.com)
- Fixed lot of minor bugs in several modules (Thanks to chatserv from http://nukeresources.com)
- Added BBtoNuke version 2.0.21 (Thanks to chatserv from http://nukeresources.com)
- Fixed the anti-flood function to prevent the "too many page loads" error in the Forums administration and to prevent also some search engine to index the error message.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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