Ravens PHP Scripts

PHP-Nuke Patched 2.3
Date: Thursday, April 01, 2004 @ 09:34:36 CST
Topic: Security

PHP-Nuke Patched has been moved up to version 2.3 to reflect the latest changes which include the fixes to BBtoNuke as found in BBtoNuke 2.0.8a and also to include the latest security fixes like the admin.php vulnerability fix and the Private Messages security fix.

This also marks the debut of PHP-Nuke Patched for PHP-Nuke 7.2, my thanks to Stephen Crawford for all the testing performed on the patch for 7.2.
Download locations:
Nuke 6.0 · Nuke 6.5 · Nuke 6.6-6.8 · Nuke 6.9 · Nuke 7.0 · Nuke 7.1 and Nuke 7.2

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