Ravens PHP Scripts

IP to Country Updates
Date: Friday, November 16, 2007 @ 01:04:50 CST
Topic: NukeSentinel (tm)

The weekly updates have been posted. Get them from Diff Pack and Full Pack.

Read More for additional notes.

You will notice that the updates are undergoing major changes over the next couple of months. I have decided to go thru the entire database and update/remove older entries. This means that many of the entries from 2005 are being taken out completely and then new entries that are corrected put in. During the last two weeks the 202 and 203 sections have just about disappeared and have been replaced by new entries. While in this process I have setup a public directory, found here, for you folks to see how much is changing.

Some of you will use these during the week to keep upto date while others will simplely wait for the weekly dumps. Either is good but PLEASE do keep your sites upto date. This weeks date has 5 previously unused countries now in the database. This is due to incorrect entries being removed :) As always please enjoy the use of NukeSentinel(tm) and the IP to Country database dumps.

My goal is to have the most complate and accurate IP to Country data that is freely availible on the net and you are the key to that goal. At anytime you want run the following query on your database to get a list of unknown data you can send in for research and inclusion in the database:

For Blocked IP's
SELECT * FROM `nuke_nsnst_blocked_ips` WHERE `c2c`='00' GROUP BY `ip_long` ORDER BY `ip_long`;

For Tracked IP's
SELECT * FROM `nuke_nsnst_tracked_ips` WHERE `c2c`='00' GROUP BY `ip_long` ORDER BY `ip_long`;

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