Ravens PHP Scripts

Monetize your PHPNuke website with NukeAdsenseSearch!
Date: Wednesday, February 20, 2008 @ 18:13:04 CST
Topic: Nuke For Donkeys

Adding the NukeAdsenseSearch module to your PHPNuke website puts Google search engine at your visitors' fingertips. And combining search with AdSense puts Google's base of advertisers to work for your bottom line.

-- Replace the default Search module PHPNuke enriching professionality your site
-- Allows you to choose between Google search or on your PHPNuke site
-- The results are shown on your PHPNuke pages
-- Source of income for the webmaster with Google Adsense for Search Program
-- Detailled instruxtions on the Readme.txt file

Free Download for all registered users
For this and other great modules/addons visit

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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