I am sorry to have to belabor some things but Paul (zx at nuke cops) is once again posting things that are just not true. For some reason a poster at his site chose to mention me in a comment (http://nukecops.com/article1978.html) to an article. Paul states the following:
"Re: Union Tap Beta 2 and raven's hackattempt (Score: 1)
by Zhen-Xjell on Saturday, April 24 @ 18:44:46 EDT
(User Info | Send a Message | Journal) http://nukecops.com
Reread my reply in that original article, Raven's code per the information supplied by the user shows it to be invalid. I never cared to look at Raven's hackalert file. If Raven would like my assistance, he knows my cellphone number as he's called me often times in the past."
I have never, not one time, called Paul. I have spoken to him 3 times. All three times he called me. The first time when he called me he was interviewing me to be promoted from Moderator to Admin. The second time was after I was an Admin. The third time was about 2 or 3 months ago if I remember right. I had PM'd him to request information about how he set up his server to automatically check the server load and then reboot when it reached a certain load. But, I have never called him and those are the only times I have spoken to him on the phone. As for seeking his help "often", this is again his delusion of grandeur. Why he has to keep trying to make himself look big by diminishing others is beyond me.
And as to why I would want or even need his assistance in a coding issue is really beyond me :lol: Just more of the same self-exalting by zx. Paul, I was writing code before you were born. Give it up.