Ravens PHP Scripts

Support RavenNuke Drop Down Panel
Date: Tuesday, June 17, 2008 @ 00:41:09 CDT
Topic: RavenNuke

I created a content panel which uses two .js files and a .css file for support. The content inside the panel is controlled by the css/html files.

The skies the limit in what you can do with it. To take a look at it go to my site, http://www.papamikecreations.net and look at the top/center of the page. You will see a button which reads Support RavenNuke. Click on the button to open the panel.

Members can go to the downloads area and get their free copy. Be sure to look at the READ ME file for specific information and credits.

The panelcontent.html file is xhtml 1.1 Strict and the style.css file is also compliant.

Get your drop down panel today and show your support for RavenNuke.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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