Ravens PHP Scripts

Business theme for PHP-Nuke ver 8.0 w/PSD
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008 @ 02:00:53 CDT
Topic: PHP-Nuke Themes

I have available a new theme for PHP-Nuke ver 8.0.
It is 14.99 .

It is a business or corporate theme.

Complete with PSD file for you to edit and modify as you need.

Designs are added weekly for the most part...

Check it out at this link

The site is a work in progress as I am writing the frontend of the script and using the Digicommerce Admin for the administration. and still may have bugs.

Thanks for your time.

From Raven: I had a chance to look at this theme and it appears to be very well done. If you haven't seen it yet you should take a look :)

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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