After nearly 3 weeks of almost constant coding and recoding I have finally finished my new site. It consist of one index.html page, phpBB3 forum which I also use as a download platform for the RavenNuke™ themes I make, a ton of image galleries, and other downloadable stuff on the index page plus a chat/shout box. One top .js supported menu system ( Milonic Solutions ) runs throughout the entire site. Fully integrated php counter system keeps track of visitors on the index page since it's seperate from the forums. PHP runs the SPAM proof contact form and guestbook.
Don't get me wrong, I'm still a supporter of RN, I still run and maintain a full RN site which is my theme design and testing site where I'm actively working on my theming project, themes, and more.
Why the switch on my main site? phpBB3 is why, I wanted to integrate it into my site and use its new features. See for yourself and pay me a visit at Papa Mike Creations - there's lots there to see.