Ravens PHP Scripts

AvantGo CSS mod
Date: Tuesday, October 28, 2008 @ 14:55:39 CDT
Topic: RavenNuke

Are you sick of the drab AvantGo look? Want to make it look like the rest of your site? I have redesigned the look of the tired looking AvantGo module with a new stylesheet which resides next to your themes style/style.css which makes for ease of updating and editing. I turned the AvantGo page into a tableless fully CSS compliant module that you can redesign by editing the avantgo.css stylesheet only. There are 2 files to download in a zip file, Just upload the index.php file into modules/AvantGo/ to replace the file that's already there and add the avantgo.css file into the style folder of your theme. Install time is about 2 minutes. Editing time of the avantgo.css page depends on you. For a demo look at my (Papa Mike Creations) AvantGo page The Designer's Resource. Members can download this mod free in my downloads area under 'My Creations.'

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