Ravens PHP Scripts

Backup_Restore Utility
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2008 @ 23:25:07 CST
Topic: Tool and Utilities

I created a utility to backup and restore the database tables used with RavenNuke(tm).

I modified bigdump.php and included it packaged with my backup utility and created a index.php page which describes the utilities and I also added a small menu to take you to the utilities.

The backup utility will backup ALL of the database tables and email a copy of the gzip file to you for storage if your site is on the Internet. If your site is on your offline server then it will automatically include the sql file in the Backup_Restore folder.

I tested the final product on my main Internet site with excellent results. I backed up the database and restored it and my site actually ran afterwards :)

I recommend that everyone grab a free copy from my downloads area under 'My Creations' Papa Mike Creations (Membership is required) and use it to backup your database either daily or weekly.

I DO NOT recommend that you leave it on your server unless you rename the folder. I did not add a login security screen because I felt it was not needed for such a small application.

Other projects I have ongoing are:

* Captcha keyboard - this idea came my way via SouthernWolf
* phpBB3 integration
* PMC Customizable Theme - integration

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