Ravens PHP Scripts

NukeScripts and RavenPHPScripts Alliance
Date: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 @ 00:46:48 CDT
Topic: Community

"To boldly go where no man has ever gone before"

Bob Marion, of Nukescripts Network, and I have forged an alliance to do our best to help the Nuke Community. A strong friendship has grown and for that I am truly appreciative! We will soon be releasing the NSN Abuse Blocker. We also want to thank ChatServ, GanjaUK, & Cyril (NSN-Francais) for their contributions to the project as well. Without anyone of these people this project would not happen. AS a result of this application, I will not be releasing anymore updates to my Hack Alert. We have incorporated the needed functionality from my script into this superior product. Hack Alert, you served us well.

It is nearly complete with a little more testing to do to ensure the best quaility for you. We are keeping alot of it's features under wraps until it is released (should be in the next few days). NSN Abuse Blocker is showing real promise in it's trials and tests and will provide you, the webmaster, one of the best site protection scripts out there.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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