Ravens PHP Scripts

Learn XHTML in only 8 weeks
Date: Friday, January 02, 2009 @ 07:18:24 CST
Topic: Tutorials

Hello everyone!

Well just like it says in the title. Learn XHTML in only 8 weeks. I will be teaching XHTML for 8 weeks to those that wish to participate. I already have 6 people signed up and I am looking for a few more. This is limited space! This pilot program is sponsored by PHP-Clans.com. There is no cost just your eagerness to learn. Please only apply if you are serious. I do not have time to waste with those that do not have a interest in the trade. This is a basic program that does not require any prerequisites. If you own a basic computer then you are golden. This class will start on Monday January 5th, 2009. If you are interested please send me a email before Sunday January 4th, 2009. There are not set times, work at your own pace and I will be available to the students Monday-Friday almost 24/7 for questions and help. Please email the following information to eric@php-clans.com

Type of computer:
Operating System:
Previous experience:
Contact email:
Screen Name:
Msn Contact:

This does not in any way reflect any learning institute. This is just me giving back to the community for those asking to learn!

PS-8 Weeks to CSS will be the pilot program after this class.
also possibly with a basic php class after.



This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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