Ravens PHP Scripts

Fully Fledged and Integrated phpBB3 - phpBB3ToNuke 3.0.5 Full - Stable Release
Date: Monday, July 13, 2009 @ 22:34:28 CDT
Topic: Enterprise Nuke

With great cooperative helps from phpnuke volunteers group, phpBB3ToNuke 3.0.5 full scale stable release has shown up in public. The present version includes all minor bug fixes, which keeps 100% compatibility with phpBB3 and phpBB3 styles. No words to explain this project and release because too many nuke users have been awaiting.

Once again, please do not miss to read more texts about this proud announcement of phpBB3ToNuke.

1. Full functionality of phpBB3 plus additional phpnuke interfaces
2. Phpnuke theme and styles auto synchronization
3. Easy adaptation of phpBB3 styles
4. Tons of extra tools and functionality

Main developmental site: www.nukekorea.net

Caution: Nuke Korea does not allow phpBB3ToNuke package to use for any types of commercial purposes.

Special Thanks: Raven ( www.ravenphpscripts.com )

Nuke Korea phpBB3ToNuke Dev. Team
Primary Credit: phpBB3 Groups
Additional Credits: all phpbb3tonuke beta testers group (this group will be profited by service packs and new extra themes and styles as our appreciation)
- Albayco/ manik/ Duck/ THoTH/ Affamole/ mobitel1/ Tiggy/ and others

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