Ravens PHP Scripts

RavenNuke 2.4.0 (tm)
Date: Thursday, September 17, 2009 @ 17:09:06 CDT
Topic: RavenNuke

I have been around in my career and tested alot of software both commercial and open source and I can say this about RN 4. The team has done it again, they have added to an already stable CMS and produced an even better product.

The new Content Plus is HOT! And the wiki is informative now and I'm confident that it will get bigger and better.

I applaud the Raven Nuke team on making this CMS a bigger, better and more secure product than anything I have seen on the web ever. I can't wait for future releases. Forget the other Nuke's and stay with Raven Nuke (tm) you can't go wrong.

Have a wonderful day,


Thanks so much PapaMike! We also thank you for being a theme author that fully supports RavenNuke (tm). Having themes made for RavenNuke (tm) that work right out of the box is a must if RavenNuke (tm) is to be a success!

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