Ravens PHP Scripts

SimpleBlue Topic Icons Available
Date: Friday, December 25, 2009 @ 12:50:55 CST
Topic: RN Themes

I have added a set of over 30 Topic Icons to the downloads section that are 70 X 70 in size and should match the SimpleBlue theme in RavenNuke™ pretty close. Included is the psd so you can create your own for categories that you may have on your site. Please visit http://www.ngnuke.com and register to download the icons. I will be making other matching icons for the other RavenNuke™ themes as the weekend passes so if you need a certain set made just request them and i will get them done directly.

Thanks and Merry Christmas,
nextgen (George)

George, As always - Thanks!

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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