Ravens PHP Scripts

TegoNuke(tm) Twitter Block 0.1.0 (Beta) Released
Date: Sunday, March 21, 2010 @ 14:00:29 CDT
Topic: Blocks

Montego Scripts proudly presents TegoNuke(tm) TegoTwitter, a fresh Twitter block for your RavenNuke(tm) CMS! We have tried other blocks as well as the basic widget from twitter.com itself, and just felt like there was a better way of doing things for this great CMS! This is just a Beta release for now as certain features are missing, but this block works and can be seen on our home page.

Come see the full TegoTwitter beta release news article on Montego Scripts for list of features, requirements and download link.

I hope the community finds it useful. Do please provide feedback in the forums as well to help evolve this block.


This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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