Ravens PHP Scripts

Themes and Support Banners
Date: Tuesday, May 04, 2010 @ 02:52:37 CDT
Topic: RavenNuke

You may have seen my news story earlier about RavenNuke(tm) banners. Well, after messing around with phpBB3 and losing all of the themes I had for display and download there (I have Backups) I have decided to leave that piece of OpenSource alone and use RN exclusively.

I set up the downloads area and have loaded the RN banners and the Renewal series of themes. I have 2 more categories of themes to upload then I will be able to design some more themes.

Please visit my website at http://www.papamikecreations.net to view and/or download a banner or theme. I do apologize to the people who had registered through BB3 when I was using it and hope that they will register again and take advantage of all the things I will have for download and numerous other things.

Whether you download one of my banners, use one of Raven's buttons or design your own, please display it on your website and let everyone see who you support.

The guys who work on the most secure CMS on the Internet deserve our support for all of their hard work and Then for letting all of us download RavenNuke(tm) for free. It's a deal that can't be beat!


Have a nice day!

Mike (papamike)

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