PHPBB Remodified is looking for some members to beta test a heavily modified PHPBB3 Based script. PHPBB Remodified is a brand new site that hopes to offer as close as possible an instant website once installed. It will have several options for the layout and many graphic and design enhancements. It has at this time 30 modifications with the webmaster in mind and gives you total control over every aspect of your website and has a lot of features for the users that will (hopefully) keep them coming back to your site time and time again. I have a small sample of images of a few of the enhancements and will add more as the testing moves into the RC stage. With over 50 custom bbcodes added you should be able to add any type of content in your post safely and offer a rich vibrant post. So please come over to PHPBB REMODIFIED
to sign up for beta testing.