Ravens PHP Scripts

PMCCT: RavenNuke Theming The Way It Should Be
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 @ 02:26:22 CST
Topic: RN Themes

My main focus is in supporting RavenNuke(tm) in not just themes but other apps. I just released another theme called Smokin' you can see it on my site at Papa Mike Creations

This will be the last time that I announce a theme release here because I am cranking them out at the rate of two or three a day. To see what I have new you will have to drop in at my website. I am offering to showcase themes that other people have designed using PMCCT and I'm planning a contest in a month or so with a cash prize to the winner.

I blew the dust off of my backup and recovery mod that will effectively backup your RN database and email you the backup to keep in a safe place. To restore a database I have incorporated Big Dump into the package. I need to make it integrate into RN seemingly and I hope to release it in a couple of weeks. Busy, Busy!

Support RavenNuke(tm) all you can it's the best, most secure CMS there is.

Mike (papamike)

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