Ravens PHP Scripts

5 Things To Do When Firefox Runs Slow But Other Browsers Run Fast
Date: Friday, September 21, 2012 @ 20:35:33 CDT
Topic: FireFox Browser

Firefox is a great browser, and has been one of the most popular for years. When it was first released a great deal of the praise it received came courtesy of the browser’s speed and great standards compliance. At the time Internet Explorer was virtually unopposed, and it caused Microsoft’s development to stagnate.

Time doesn’t stand still however, and Firefox has matured over the years. This means great new features, but every change has the chance of causing a bug that degrades performance. Firefox shouldn’t feel slow, particularly when compared to Opera and Internet Explorer. If it does, try these tips and see if you can restore it to its full glory.

more: MakeUse

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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