Ravens PHP Scripts

Firefox 57 Quantum BETA is released
Date: Thursday, October 05, 2017 @ 16:39:11 CDT
Topic: Software

On 26.09.2017 Mozilla released the official BETA for Firefox 57 Quantum. Firefox gots finally a multi-process architecture and a UI-redesign. The browser is roughly fast then all previous versions. If you like the Fox, then you should really try it out.

Since Firefox 49, the browser gots more and more slow-downs. Sites like Facebook, Twitter, Soundcloud or Youtube in more than one tab resulted in system-freezes, which was only fixable by restarting the whole browser. There have been many complaints about this behavior, especially on Facebook and many tech portals. Many users switched to Chrome months ago because Firefox was barely usable.

The new BETA version is now availabe on the BETA update-channel and its working very well and stable.

Related Links:
Download Firefox Beta
Release Notes
Firefox Quantum (Beta) vs Chrome

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