Ravens PHP Scripts

PP-Donate - An Animated Paypal Donation Block
Date: Sunday, August 15, 2004 @ 20:01:02 CDT
Topic: Blocks

PP- Donate is available for download.

This SwishMax animated block lets you accept donations right to your paypal account while also advertising or expressing your thoughts, show reasons why users would benefit, or anything else you wish to let them know about.

This is another in our series of SwishMax learning aids and it has an easy to understand timeline that shows you how to control movement and manipulate sprites without having to be a rocket scientist.

The block requires no backside (other than the block file for placement--included) and can be up and running with just 1 button script change. This blockfile is ready to be used in both PHP-Nuke and CPG-Nuke and is commented so new users can easily add it to their portal. The movie itself contains a fake link so users can see how it works and ALL SOURCE CODE IS INCLUDED.

Stop by and check out our running fake exmple and see how SwishMax can bring your site to life!

(Note: requires SwishMax to edit the source code)


This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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