Ravens PHP Scripts

NukeWorks Download hack ver 1.0 released
Date: Monday, September 27, 2004 @ 16:53:55 CDT
Topic: Code Hacks

I have just completed my first hack. It is called NW Download mod/hack. The basis of this was that I wanted some basic leech protection without having to install a whole module/addon to achieve this, oh and I just wanted to do one :D.

Hopefully in my next version I will have leech agent protection as an option. That way you can block those agents that connect mutiple times to download the same file (ie. Leechget, Getright, and Download Accelerator). You can download the file HERE (http://www.nukeworks.biz).

  • Generates a code needed to download the file to prevent leeching.
  • Code is generated on a image background or if the image isn't found it does it on a gray background.
  • Will not show the code if the link is to a remote/local web page (for linking to someone elses download page).
  • Automatic reporting of broken/bad links.
  • Will report the link as 404 Error if it is a 404 Error.
  • Will report if the file is not found at location (local and remote).
  • Translatable using the translation files.

P.S. Contact me (mangaman@nukeworks.biz) if you would like to help translate this hack.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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