Ravens PHP Scripts

Language Modules For KISGB
Date: Monday, December 09, 2002 @ 07:48:28 CST
Topic: Guest Book

KISGB has been translated into 24 languages, thus far. They are: Afrikaans, Chinese, Croation, Danish, Dutch, Dutch (Belgium/Formal), English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Icelandic, Indonesian, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Surinam, Thai, and Vietnam. Do you have any other languages that you could contibute? There are only about 61 words and phrases that have to be translated. If you can help, please read on.

Please download the latest release of KISGB. Then, please use the english.lang.php file as a template and translate everything to the RIGHT of the = sign. In other words, you will see entries like: $label_private = "Private"; $label_comment = "Comment:
(Max $max_comment_length
characters)"; You would translate "Private" into your language. Of course you don't translate any HTML characters. There are also a few special notes about words that start with $. I and the community would greatly appreciate your help :)!

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