Ravens PHP Scripts

Over 13000 IP Addresses available for banning
Date: Wednesday, October 20, 2004 @ 07:57:57 CDT
Topic: Security

NukedGallery.net has made available a list of over 13000 IP addresses that should be banned from accessing your phpNuke systems. Most are the results of failed SQL injections, UNION exploits, etc, and others are a result of attempting to access sealed ports on the server. The file can be found here (registration required to prevent bandwidth leaching bots, sorry :( ). This file is updated every night, and usually has at least two dozen new additions with each update (see the trend here).

This is a list of raw IP addresses to be entered into either iptables, or your .htaccess file (remember, Apache does not obey the hosts.deny file).

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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