Ravens PHP Scripts

*MySQL-DumpGen-4_NukeSentinel 2.1.1 Banned Countries* released
Date: Monday, November 08, 2004 @ 14:23:42 CST
Topic: NukeSentinel (tm)

As an exclusive announcement here at RavenPHPScripts, an upgraded/enhanced form of MySQL Dump Generator, MySQL-DumpGen-4_NukeSentinel 2.1.1 Banned Countries, is released for Banning Entire Countries with the aid of NukeSentinel 2.1.0 and 2.1.1 supported feature.

The package consists of (2) main categories:

* TOOLSET Package (being responsible for the "MySQL Dump Package" generation)
* A "MySQL Dump Package" containing (218) pcs of generated table "slices" in categorized folders

Whichever the chosen approach is, the MySQL DUMPS offer banning ENTIRELY any country being listed/extractable in/from the "ip-2-country.csv" database (as per latest release of the "ip-2-country.csv" on November the 1st).


Hence, end-user may choose to use the present generated MySQL Table DUMPS or generate the tables by himself/herself by using the enhanced TOOLSET (i.e. reduction of dependencies). By choosing the first mentioned as an approach, end-user loads the selected country dedicated tables into the PHP-Nuke DB, using phpMyAdmin or equal, having an effect of corresponding line-up of countries being banned due to assigned new IP Ranges. The end-user should still make it sure that no overlapping IP ranges "will get duplicated" due to applied approach - it may result to undesirable effects from NukeSentinel active usage point of view.

Should the end-user choose to generate the tables oneself, the TOOLSET is The-A answer for these purposes.

Actual TOOLSET usage:

--> either all the items are generated or user just "picks just the ones he/she wants" script driven interactive query
--> or, by pointing during the interactive query to an external textile containing the 2-Digit Country Code Information

Finally, the TOOLSET user will be mailed with the Validation Summary (automagically configured in LINUX infra, no separate configs) as soon as the sript execution has been terminated - optionally both the validation and mailing the validation results cab be switched off. There's an actual example Validation LOG being included within the package.

The package offers an ideal approach for those who are NOT empowered with web server ROOT rights - typically in case of shared webhosting, where banning the Countries at the server layer level is not an available option to choose.

There are (3) Authorized Parties being pre-selected by the Author as a default; NukeScripts Network, Raven PHP Scripts and Nuke Resources, which may freely determine their course of actions upon the future usage & distribution issues related to associated package.


This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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