Ravens PHP Scripts

nextnet.se - many modules & hacks for PHPNuke & osc2nuke and NukeCommerce
Date: Monday, December 20, 2004 @ 13:30:59 CST
Topic: Add-Ons

Many modules for PHPNuke, NukeCommerce and osc2nuke

see the many modules of NextNet.se

New User Avatar
Users own page banner
Gender Hack SC_ 2.1 for PHPNuke all versions FINAL
Gender Hack SC_ 2.0 for PHPNuke 6.9-7.5
Gender Hack for NSN_YA and CNB_YA

please travel over to NextNet.se for more infos:

want to have further stuff to enhance PHPNuke & NukeCommerce or osc2nuke: here some Developers Guide to PHP-Nuke with many subsections :: PHPNUKE-HowTo on karakas-online :: great respository for modules, hacks and documents applicable for PHPNuke, NukeCommerce.org and osc2nuke.org
check back www.karakas-online.de/forum/php-nuke.html for more infos - find ways of Interaction for feature-requests and support - get help on the forums many very cool hacks help to tailor the site to the own needs - see some of the great achievements - are not published; Just browse and have a closer look at the stuff: collection of modules-announcements

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