As an ip-2-country.csv related update, MySQL Dump Generator [MySQL DumpGen for NukeSentinel Banned Countries] is now released for Banning Entire Countries with the aid of NukeSentinel 2.1.0, 2.1.1 and 2.1.2 supported feature.
As with the initial (prior) release, this updated package consists of two (2)
* TOOLSET sub-package being responsible of generating the associated/attached "MySQL
Dumps sub-package"
* MySQL Dumps sub-package containing (220) pcs of importable
table "slices" in country dedicated sub-folders
Whichever the chosen approach is, the generated/attached MySQL Dumps offer
possibility to ban entirely any country being listed/extractable in/from
the "ip-2-country.csv" database (as per latest release of "ip-2-country.csv" on
December the 2nd).
[ note: the approach is based on core idea of importing MySQL Dump Files into
PHP-Nuke MySQL DB to achieve the target - i.e. banning one or more countries
based on currently available most up-to-date information "ip-2-country.csv"
on globally scattered IP Ranges.]