Ravens PHP Scripts

Magic Nuke 7.6 ( Farsi & English )!the first 99% multilingual version
Date: Monday, December 27, 2004 @ 15:07:19 CST
Topic: PHP-Nuke

Hello all my friends and merry your Christmas,
Great news from iranportals.com,
Magic Nuke 7.6 final with following features released :
1- 99% Multilingual (almost all parts of this version have multilingual ability )
2- UTF-8 encoding
3- All outgoing emails with HTML
4- Pre-installed security systems ( admin secure, sentinel 2.1.2 and... )
5- Auto direction per language selection

6- auto theme change per language selection
7- some cool modules like Static modules 2.0 , subscription modules 2.0 and Advanced backup ( files&DB backup utility) and ...
8- collapsible blocks
9- Multiple HTML blocks ( so you can create each block with unique color and graphic )
10- A very powerful HTML editor
11- and much more...
You can see a demo : here
Admin ID: admin
Admin Pass: 321

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