Ravens PHP Scripts

osc2nuke the true top-merger looks for new supportsites
Date: Wednesday, December 29, 2004 @ 18:25:42 CST
Topic: Announcements

Brandnew - osc2nukeThai one of the newest supportsite for osc2nuke: osc2nuke.com a Top-Merger-project integrates a global brain - and puts together the power of more than 10000 users: synergy at work!
the e-commerce-companion of phpnuke can rely on phpnukefiles.com [2500 modules blocks & hacks ] a great ressource of knowledge and support

BTW; now more than 14 countries with supporsites for osc2nuke: now expanding in to the next level!! We re looking for some new supporters in all areas of the world

BTW; now more than 14 countries with supporsites for osc2nuke: now expanding in to the next level!! We re looking for some new supporters in all areas of the world. currently PHPNuke is well known in more than 35 countries and osc2nuke is following. We re working on a new map to leverage the knowledge-exchange and to improve the global network. both groups, phpnuke and osc2nuke share their knowledge and exchange many things - eg on phpnukefiles.com [2500 modules blocks & hacks ]
note: osc2nuke.com the global user-community of osc2nuke has got a new home at osc2nuke.COM the developersite which is fully active now.

Soon we have a very tight support-network with a pervasively networked gloal community: good conditions to bring one of the best weblog-ecommerce-migrations ahead! Who will enjoy the fun - working in a global network of osc2nuke-fellows: besides OSC2Nuke.co.uk we have OSC2NukeMX.org
and osc2nuke-francais.org and italian Site OSC2Nuke.it [runed by Splatt.it] and one in Israel and osc2NukeThai.com running as support sites around the globe!

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