Ravens PHP Scripts

James Sanders, Sanders Consultation Group Plus, to Provide a Weekly Column Here
Date: Friday, March 04, 2005 @ 08:07:24 CST
Topic: Announcements

If you've never read any of James Sanders' pithy writings/commentaries, hold onto your hat! James (aka whiteknight0571) will be writing a regular column here, starting very soon. He can be biting, brutally honest and opinionated, but thorough and concise. I look forward to his columns! They will NOT always be about Programming, but for the most part will be Internet/Web related. Since he does write elsewhere, sometimes his column here may be a repeat of elsewhere, so, no need to point out the obvious :).

For a little (or a lot of) taste of James, see Sanders Consultation Group Plus Blog.

This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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