Ravens PHP Scripts

amazon-modules for PHPNuke, NukeCommerce and osc2nuke
Date: Friday, March 04, 2005 @ 21:51:05 CST
Topic: Add-Ons

well, at the moment we have some Nuke- and NukeCommerce-Modules with Amazon-services - featuring a bunch of nice and powerful Amazon-services - here a roundtrip:

- the Amazonia-Gallery: a powerful PHPNUKE-modul - based on the NukeAmazon-Modul from preciogasolina.com .

the Amazonia-Gallery is based on Amazon Gallery 2.xx of EJDiaz. EJDiaz from preciogascolina.com works permanently on his NukeAmazon-modul (Demo)

links with more infos, downloads und feedback options to the various amazon-module:

  • the amazon module on preciogasolina.com;
  • the module with more Infos :: der download of the Moduls - no registration required;
  • get help - exchange ideas on the forums ; feedback
  • a article on phpnuke.org from EJDiaz, PrecioGasolina.com;

  • This article comes from Ravens PHP Scripts

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