Advertising V0.7 - a very interesting PHPNuke- and osc2nuke-module comes up with the enhanced module.
"Advertising v0.7 brings FLASH advertising as promised. Along with this, fixes for the creation of advertising plans including
Inability to add a new plan
Installation program to make install of database tables easier!
minor problems with logic
Added and included new blocks to support the potential FLASH ads you'll display.
instructions on modifying a theme if banners are coded in the theme
Paths to Success
First thing - back
Advertising V0.7 - a very interesting PHPNuke- and osc2nuke- module :: great news on, the developersite which also created the WeatherHarvest module (demo) recently came up with the Advertising-module v 0.7
Get your copy at the download right now please make shure to give some Feedback via contactmailer
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