Ravens PHP Scripts

Admin's Swiss Army Knife For PHP Nuke
Date: Monday, March 14, 2005 @ 13:51:02 CST
Topic: Tool and Utilities

Ever wish all these posts and scripts and hacks to quickly fix issues with your nuke site were all in one place? Have you ever activated a block or a theme and then you can't get into your site to fix it? Ever wish you were on an abandoned island with J-Lo? Well, I will soon be releasing a toolbox for everything except being with J-Lo :lol:. I have many little handyman tools that I use when trying to help someone debug their site and I have put these and some other ones into a common structure that should make the webmaster's task a bit easier when needing that quick fix or just information. See a screenshot of the main screen: Raven's Nuke Tool Box.

I have released a beta to several people and I hope to release a public RC very soon. If you would like something else added to the menu, let me know via a comment to this article. Please note that this is NOT a security tool. It is to be looked at as that Master Key - Super God like application that bypasses everything else .

Screen Shot updated 18:36:00 - 3/17/2005

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