Ravens PHP Scripts

:: SDHost :: Public Hosting theme by SDDesign Released!!
Date: Wednesday, March 16, 2005 @ 15:00:34 CST
Topic: PHP-Nuke Themes

SDDesign announces the release of another of its public theme "SDHost". This theme is custom made for the webhosting portals running with PNP-Nuke or PHP-Nuke-Platinum. It is a "Vibrant" theme with attracrive and welcoming color combination. The theme is available for download at SDDesign. The features of SDHost: - Unique and attractive Header. - unique color combination of different shades of orrange and white. - Complete with a matching phpBB forum theme. - uses a new and unique "Themecpannel" enabeling the users to change the Sitename, Slogan Without Any edit what so ever. - offers 3 hosting package descriptions on the header itself. - all the other unique offerings of SDDesign. Download the theme. Preview the theme. A Customers Review about the theme: SDHost a new theme by SDDesign has been released for public download. This has a gleaming and flashy look, but in a very exquisite way.The colours are basic rust and black in a grey background, which gives it a sharp feel to the whole theme.

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