EnginSite has partnered with Raven Web Services for all present and future Web Hosting clients on a great deal for their most excellent PHP Editor. Editor is an understatement for sure! It is an IDE to rival any that I have ever tried. Why pay hundreds of dollars for other products? Take a test drive for 21 days and see the power in this IDE! For all who qualify, contact me at raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com and I will send you the coupon code to use when registering for their product. You are eligible for 40% discount on EnginSite PHP editor. As I said, if you wish to use this discount, you will enter the coupon name, that I will send you, during the registration process.
EnginSite PHP Editor/IDE
Don't wait too long to take advantage of this great deal!
Note:Webmasters, feel free to post this at your sites as long as you keep the links and titles in place.
40% Off Price For EngInSite PHP Editor/IDE For Web Hosting Clients !
Posted on Monday, November 15, 2004 @ 01:32:47 CST in Software
PNukeNews 1.4 Released
Posted on Monday, September 01, 2003 @ 17:59:52 CDT in Software RastaWorld writes:
XREF Utility For Programs and Programmers
Posted on Sunday, September 22, 2002 @ 16:24:50 CDT in Software