nukeevangelist writes:the great Countries-module for PHPNuke - a very powerful, versatile and featurerich module: Details of the Country-Moduls :: Demo 2 :: download your copy at the Download-section without registration
PHP-Nuke module manages country and other domain informations.
The user can select three different functions:
1) total select of informations (include/omit) with personalization of fields to view and graphic to display;
2) predefinited country lists (also rating lists in rating order!);
3) search in some important country fields."
In all lists you can view totals in friendly form and it's possible to personalize the output with your style sheets. Logged as admin, it's possible to update all the informations of each country.
This version includes language files in english and italian. In the zip file you can find also the sql file to create the enlarged country tabel.
You can see the module here or you can download it at the Download-section
See more from the developers: the World-Currency :: Contact via webmailer
the country-module: a powerful module for your portalPosted on Tuesday, April 05, 2005 @ 23:30:05 CDT in Add-Ons |