nukeevangelist writes:Thanks to all who soupport New CNB Content Module-project -thanks to your continued feedback and support we have the new Beta2 version of CNB Conteudo 3.0
we need you further support of the sustainable development of a most wanted module :: the New Release of CNB Content Module [click here to download your copy now]
This module is part of a new revolution of tools to insert content for Nuke because it has so many functions to allow collaborative work.
This Module has the following functions:
- Possibility to create many folders and sub-folders
- Possibility to create files and sub-files (pages)
- Can provide diferent authorizations for user groups (NSN Groups)
- Can upload files
- Can create WIKI folder
- Can create pages that allow any graphical distributions of Blocks
- And so many other...
To get your copy of the New Release of CNB Content Module [click here] Please provide rich feedback to support the development of this great module. The more the better.
New Beta2 version of CNB Conteudo 3.0 - more sustainable developmentPosted on Monday, April 11, 2005 @ 06:35:45 CDT in Add-Ons |