nukeevangelist writes:Good things are going on - a new project works on the jobboard-module
Background: from time to time Aidan Peiser brings back - the developersite for the jobbank-module for PHPNUKE: at the moment the dev-site for this most wanted real live application is down.
see some phpProfession-demos of the poweful jobboard-module.
demo 1 powerful
demo 2 - also very powerful
Demo [file upload]
Demo [very impressive]
more about the new project of jbaudio [read on] Phprofession Development Project
"Currently Webmin Hosting is working on migrating Postnuke Phprofession to Phpnuke. So far the project has moved along fairly fast and we will be release beta versions soon.
We are welcome to any opinions or knowledge that might help progess this project along faster. As of right now the script is a standalone script with it's own administration. If you wish to gain more knowledge or be part of the development please make all inquires at feedback form.
phprofession - the jobboard-module for PHPNuke - a new project startsPosted on Monday, April 11, 2005 @ 06:39:17 CDT in Add-Ons |