64bitguy writes:In the very long road of making PHP-Nuke compliant, I have made a major leap forward by discovering several key integration flaws that were recently introduced by the PHP-Nuke Author (Mr. Francisco Burzi) with PHP-Nuke 7.7, 7.8 and 7.9.
In addressing these issues, I have completely recoded the integration of TinyMCE as well as recoded all of the modules that use it (in addition to my other bug fixes and compliance recoding of PHP-Nuke for "After-Patched").
For the first time ever, you can now see how the TinyMCE Editor should have looked when integrated into your administration screens.
For a preview, see the article at the "After-Patched" for PHP-Nuke 7.8 test domain:
Additionally, you will note that the special functions that have never worked now do.
On top of this, because of these actions of fixing not only the major integration flaws and coding errors but all of the compliance bugs as well, the problems that led FB to strip out all of the security filtering functions are now capable of being added back into PHP-Nuke 7.7/7.8/7.9 code, as the data produced and manipulated by TinyMCE is now 100% compliant to W3C standards as well as capable of being interpreted by the filtering rules!
Just one more in a long series of Nuke advancements and fixes introduced by "After-Patched"!
Re: TinyMCE Integrated, Called and Defined Properly (Score: 1) | ![]() | So when will you make this publicly available? |
Re: TinyMCE Integrated, Called and Defined Properly (Score: 1) by 64bitguy on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 @ 02:12:47 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
I'm trying to figure out my options. I'm weighing the concept of forking the base code as given the amount that has gone into it and the paths that Mr. Burzi insists on taking, I see little benefit of continuing to patch every new version that he introduces (now with 7.9) and in the future that have the same old bugs and design flaws. It seems quite clear to me that he can't code for "doo-doo" (if you know what I mean). I've seen some things in 7.9 that make this even clearer to me. What's more, I worry that if Chatserv keeps patching this junk, the cycle will never end and frankly, I believe it definately needs to end. I would rather that Chatserv DID NOT Patch new revisions and then we could all watch (over the course of the 7.9-8.0 release) as people finally caught onto the fact that this code stinks to high heaven with bugs. Given that I have recoded every single module, block and base file and the fact that I have no intention on doing that again for 7.9 (in which I still haven't found any advances or advantages) there is a lot for me to think about before I decide what to do. Any input on this concept? If so, start a forum thread and I'll definately contribute. Steph |
Re: TinyMCE Integrated, Called and Defined Properly (Score: 1) by Raven (raven (_AT_) ravenphpscripts (_DOT_) com) on Wednesday, September 21, 2005 @ 02:22:35 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
Actually, for the time being, I want to take this offline and try to convene several major players. More to follow ... |
Re: TinyMCE Integrated, Called and Defined Properly (Score: 1) by spork on Thursday, September 22, 2005 @ 17:38:04 CDT (User Info | Send a Message) | |
just an idea here.. if you raven and chatserv all teamed up with steph on this cms you guys could really have something going ... it might even get to the point of completely destroying php nuke all together.. we know that is not the objective here at all.. if you think about it like this.. if there was no more nuke sentinel.. no more patches.. no more help from anyone but my burzi him self nuke would go to hell and i dont see him fixing it.. you guys could make a monopoly out of a secure cms for more money then ever seen before in a cms, no one would even download phpnuke anymore if someone said phpnuke people look at them like an out dated empty milk container because everyone knows this cms would be the best and they would dearly pay for it with there wallets open i guess its just up to you guys and that is a just a thought i had nothing more .. im not some super smart coder or anything like that.. im just a guy lookin for the best cms out there i belive this would be a great way to start one that would be profitable on one end as well as strong on the other..anyway thankyou for your time |